Early Bird Procedure
The CERME 12 Early Bird Support is intended for researchers from countries under-represented at CERME, who have not been authors or co-authors of accepted papers in previous CERMEs, and who do have limited access to expert guidance and advice on writing papers for international academic conferences.
For access to Early Bird Support, submissions should be sent to the chair of the CERME 12 Early Bird Committee (Núria Planas: Nuria.Planas@uab.cat) at any point between 30 May 2021 and 15 July 2021, together with a COVER SHEET confirming eligibility, title and authors of the paper and intended Thematic Working Group (TWG).
A member of the CERME 12 Early Bird Committee will provide one set of written feedback to the author(s) (also copied to the relevant TWG leader) within 3 weeks of submission. Feedback will only be provided on complete papers, and will focus principally on the structure and issues related to communication. Early Bird Support does not imply guarantee of acceptance since the papers will still have to go through the ordinary congress reviewing process ending 15 September 2021.
Based on the criteria mentioned, the CERME 12 Early Bird Committee reserves the right to determine the eligibility of the papers for the Early Bird Support.
The CERME 12 Early Bird Committee:
- Núria Planas (Chair),
- Eirini Geraniou,
- Ronnie Karsenty,
- Petra Scherer, and
- Stanislaw Schukajlow